Dallas | Houston PRP Hair Restoration

Cutting-Edge Solutions to Boost Your Confidence

A person’s hair is often tied inextricably to their identity. Especially when a full head of hair is a societal indicator of youth and virility, it can be a distressing experience when that hair begins to thin out. At Novopelle Med Spa, we offer our patients a solution that is minimally-invasive, safe, and effective. Our PRP hair restoration treatment in Dallas uses the same principles of our PRP facial to encourage dormant hair follicles to reactivate and grow once more.

How Does PRP Hair Restoration Work?

When hair follicles do not produce hair, it may be because they are compromised or otherwise dormant, rather than dead. PRP hair restoration works by extracting plasma from the patient’s own blood and injecting it into the scalp to promote healing. The healing properties of this treatment are well-documented and have been used for some time around surgical sites to minimize scarring. When used for hair restoration, this procedure can help reinvigorate these dormant follicles and encourage them to resume growth.

Benefits of this procedure include:

  • Minimal recovery time: Because it is so minimally invasive, this procedure can be completed with little anesthetic, often in sessions that last less than an hour

  • Autologous treatment: Many other cosmetic procedures carry the risk of allergic reaction when introducing foreign bodies into the system, but with PRP there is virtually no risk of this kind of reaction because it uses only your own blood

  • Natural results: PRP encourages normal growth of your own hair follicles, meaning that when it grows in, it provides results that look entirely natural and attractive.